Have you ever encountered someone on campus who always leaves you feeling a little lighter and brighter? Whether they’re waiting in line for coffee or simply walking by, they’re a constant source of joy to be around. Alumna and career and employment advisor, Emily Brown (BA ’12) is one of those people. The daughter of two alumni, an avid runner and loud and proud a University of Lethbridge advocate, Emily leaves a trail of smiles wherever she goes.
“I started my adventure at the University of Lethbridge in 2007. Like so many students who start out on their academic pursuits, it took me a while to find the program that was right for me. I found my place in the general social sciences and went on to graduate in 2012.

Emily in action during her Pronghorn career.
“The sense of community we have at the U of L is my favourite part about calling this my university. As a student, I was on the Pronghorns track and field team and when you’re a student athlete, that’s a whole other sub-community in itself. You train, travel and live with your team mates and there’s nothing quite like a 10-hour bus ride to solidify your bond! They become family fast and some of my closest friends came from that experience.
“As a staff member, I still find these little sub-communities of people and I think those groups are even more important because you can get so siloed in your departments. I’m a member of one of the University dragon boat teams, the Pronghorn Paddlers, and we have people from all over campus on those teams. Opportunities and experiences like these fun recreational teams may be the only time you get to really get to know others from the University. It’s so easy to get stuck in your own bubble when you’re busy but it’s definitely worth the time commitment when you’re out on the lake in the sun having a blast with your colleagues.

Emily during the Waterton to Glacier 100-mile relay.
“While I don’t hit the track as much as I did as a Pronghorn, I still love to get outside and run. I’ve competed in the last six Seawheeze half marathons in Vancouver, so I get to call myself a “legaSEA” member now. One of the more memorable races I’ve completed was the Waterton to Glacier 100-mile relay. You race it as a team of eight, with each person completing three stages (most of them uphill). Many of the ladies on my team are also U of L employees, so it was another great way to get to know people outside of the office. It was such a unique and fun race to be involved in. There aren’t all that many races you can say where you ran across country lines!
“My mom and dad, Janice (BASc ’81, BEd ’81) and Lance (BASc ’85) Brown, were also Pronghorns and they met here too. My dad went on to become a long-serving recruitment officer which is where I started my career at the U of L. I also met my boyfriend here in similar circumstances. He was on the basketball team and we even met at the Blue and Gold night. The University has played quite a large role in my life, it’s been the place where I’ve experienced and grown so much.

Emily and her partner Wes with their pooch at the Bare Bones Run.
“After moving on from my role as a recruitment officer to my new position as a career and employment advisor, I’ve been privy to seeing the progression of so many students. In recruitment, you get to see the high school student you talked 12 months ago, actually enrolling as a U of L student. Now I get to help those students navigate through the anxieties and pressures of being a university student. The whole reason we are here is because of students and they are what I love most about working at the U of L. Helping them to succeed in anyway, even if it’s just listening to their concerns, is where I shine the brightest and find the most joy.”
Great story Emily. The students are extremely lucky to have you guiding them through the many possibilties they will have. And I agree about your warm smile….I get to see it almost every day