As the University celebrates its 50th year, we are reflecting on the people who have made this institution what it is today. An important part of this reflection is recognizing those who have served the U of L for a large part of their lives. This week the campus community will come together to celebrate these wonderful people at the Long Service Awards & Retiree Recognition Ceremony. Inspiring Lights, Susan Roth and Suzanne McIntosh, Wellness & Recognition, are just two of the people behind the scenes of this annual event who have seen many faces come and go during their time at the U of L.
SM: “This year we have 141 employees and 58 retirees being recognized for their service and dedication to the U of L. That’s a lot of hard working people with a long history at the University. In the case of our retirees, that’s years of stories and knowledge we’re bidding farewell to so it’s special we get the opportunity to say thank you.
SR: “When we talk to those long-time employees about why they have stayed at the University for so long, the common answer we hear is ‘the people’. We are so lucky to work with not only talented and brilliant staff and faculty here, but they’re also warm and welcoming people. We have a real sense of community at the U of L and I think that is why we see such longevity when it comes to people staying here.

The crowd at the Long Service Awards & Retiree Recognition Ceremony in 2016.
SM: “The Long Service Awards & Retiree Recognition Ceremony is a great opportunity for people from all areas of campus to get together in one room. Even though we’re not a big university, we can still go weeks and months without seeing people we know just because of how busy we can get. This event allows everyone to come together, catch up and show our appreciation for our colleagues.
SR: “Sometimes we see retirees or long service award recipients with their families and friends with them at the event too. It feels great that we get to help show how integral and appreciated our U of L people are to those they hold dearest. The University is a place that has become such a big part of people’s lives. For some, they went to school here, they met their spouse here and this is where they’ve come to work every day for the last 20, 30, 40 and in Dennis Connolly’s case, 50 years! It’s a huge achievement and we need to honour that dedication and service.
Please join us in congratulating the below list of outstanding staff and faculty members at the annual long service awards & retiree recognition ceremony on Wednesday, May 24 at 1 p.m. in the Students’ Union Ballrooms:
Retirees: Douglas Berry, Jochen Bocksnick, Deb Bullock, Steven Calvert, Connie Chaplin (BSc ’02), Julie Crowe, Lorena deLange, Lisa Doolittle, Marion Eastman, Elizabeth Ferguson (BA ’03, MA ’05), Lenore Fikowski, Leah Fowler, Margaret Gallop, Valerie Hill, Rosemary Howard (BA ’73), Ruth Hummel (MA ’10), Frank Huss (BMgt ’95), Joyce Ito, Leona Jacobs, Linda Janz (BMgt ’94, MSc (Mgt) ’97), Stella Kedoin, Leon Kennes, Doris Kostiuk, Judith Kulig, Becky Lore, Angela Luck, Jean Mankee, Sheila Matson, Louise Miller, Claudia Notzke, Jane O’Dea, Ken Peters, Vern Peterson, Janice Rahn, Tom Robinson, Stewart Rood, Kathy Schrage, Kim Selk, Jadranka Smiljanec, Barry Stannard, Marinus Swanepoel, James Thomas, Barb Thomsen, Gerda VanderFluit, Guy Vervoort, Ed Wasiak, Katherine Wasiak, Sandra Wiest (BASc (BA) ’87), Joyce Wilkins, Bernard Williams, Kathleen Willms, Jim Wills, Pamela Winsor, Sharon Yanicki, Diana Young.
Long service award recipients:
50 years of service – Dennis Connolly
45 years of service – Jean Mankee
40 years of service – Heather Mirau (MCert ’94)
35 years of service – Rene Barendregt (BASc (BA) ’71), Annette Bright, Barb Hodgson, Judy Lacey, Valerie Richardson, Kim Selk, John Vokey.
30 years of service – Candace Dueck, John Eng, Andrea Glover (BASc (BA) ’82), Craig Loewen (BEd ’84), Sheila Lowe, Kelly Vaselenak, Peter Visentin, Diana Young.
25 years of service – Robin Bright (BASc (BA) ’79), (BEd ’82, MEd ’88), Naomi Cramer, Rod Gelleny, Michael Kern, Judith Kulig, Hillary Rodrigues, Jeffrey Vucurevich.
20 years of service – Dwayne Armstrong (BSc ’98), Kerry Bernes, Lesley Brown, James Clark, Jeff Davidson (BMgt ’95), Tom Doyle (BSc ’93), Larry Flanagan, Carolyn Gaebel, Rob Johnson (BMgt ’93, MCert ’95), Edward Jurkowski, Angela Luck, Goldie Morgentaler, Dan O’Donnell, Kent Peacock, Brent Selinger, Paul Viminitz.
15 years of service – Christine Anderson, Ebenezer Asem, YJ Bao, Roberto Bello (MSc (Mgt) ’02), Kris Caldwell (BMgt ’12), Michael Campbell, Connie Chaplin, John Claassen, Craig Coburn, Melanie Collado, Dagmar Dahle, Alesha Farfus-Shukaliak (BA/BMgt ’01), Bev Garnett, Daya Gaur, Joanne Gedrasik, Michael Gerken, Betsy Greenlees, Trevor Harrison, Linda Janz, Hester Jiskoot, Sharon Kanashiro, John Kometz (BA ’93, BSc ’00), Lori Kopp, Hua Li, James Linville, Douglas MacArthur, Claudia Malacrida, Mandy Moser (BMgt ’02), Bob Muskovich, Janice Newberry, Tammy Paskuski (BMgt ’02), Jill Payant, Richard Perlow, Wilf Roesler (BMA ’82), Edward Sandzewicz, Daryl Schacher (BMgt ’02), Darren Schell (BSc ’02), Arlan Schultz, Daniela Sirbu, Barry Stannard, Debbie Tarnava, John Usher, Derek Vincent, Bernie Wirzba (BASc (BA) ’82), Cindy Yee.
10 years of service– Carly Adams, Marguerite Anderson, Mahfooz Ansari, Louise Barrett, Margaret Beintema, Glenda Bonifacio, Dana Corbin (BMgt ’05), Rhonda Crow (MCert ’97, BMgt ’99), Robbin Derry, Trevor Fairweather, Trevor Flexhaug, Jay Gamble, Stacey Gaudette–Sharp (BA ’03, MA ’06), Roy Golsteyn (BASc (BSc) ’84), Heather Hacior, Peter Henzi, Habiba Kadiri, Gladys Karanja (BA ’11), Erin Kennett (BFA ’07), Atif Khalil, Gregory Knight (BA ’89, BMus ’93) Lynette LaCroix (BMgt ’01, MMedCert ’01), Michael Lanyi, Joshua Lindemann, James Marshalsay (BSc ’08), Glenda Martens (BFA ’03), Kevin McFadzen (BSc ’99), Abigail McMeekin, Kelly Muskovich, Stepheny Olan, Sheena Olson, Jenny Oseen, Jason Peters (BA/BEd ’00), Omar Rodriguez, Tony Russell, Mark Slomp (MEd ’04), Nanda Stannard (BMgt ’05), Matthew Tata, Aaron Taylor, Mark Tipper (BSc ’01, MSc ’07), Fred Trinh (BA ’00), Amy von Heyking, Judy Westcott, Richard Westlund, Scott Whiteside, Ute Wieden-Kothe, Sharon Yanicki, John Zhang.