Generations, Untethered / A Kind of Mother: I think my mother is me. I think I am her mother too. I have her eyes, her face, her hair, her smile. Continue Reading →
The place where creative writing lives.
Generations, Untethered / A Kind of Mother: I think my mother is me. I think I am her mother too. I have her eyes, her face, her hair, her smile. Continue Reading →
Crows, jays, and ravens embody the gastric spirit of the forest. Small, insistent stomachs with sharp beaks, they materialize from the pines, calling, coughing, claiming. Nothing will suffice or satisfy. Continue Reading →
Feed me, fill me, give me solely one chance, To bear the fruit of your romance. I yearn, plead, beg you, my modest master, Abandon senses, you woman of Aster. Continue Reading →
The stage— Percussion Let me show you. Let Me Show You How I Bleed Enter the percussionPrecarious prattleYes, make bones rattle The dancers— Woodwinds Can you hear? Let Me Show Continue Reading →
Things you see around here: seal carcass splayed on a garage floor— belly sliced open like the pages of an old book, blood pooled in Continue Reading →
My life is a series of well-meaning texts, Written with a different connotation. There are very few things that are real anymore, iPhones aren’t real, film cameras are. Good music Continue Reading →
Bone black under flesh Floating, fallingA silence that is only true in dark Whose edges will, dissipateIn slivers of moving skin They burned off your fleshto get to the boneThe pure white Continue Reading →
I am a person of little consequence! My heart rejoices to recall That I am as free as a wildflower, Ever lovely, ever small. I have learned that I am Continue Reading →