TrainBioData CREATE Program

MSc and PhD students participating in the TrainBioData CREATE training program are required to meet the following obligations:

  1. First-Year Coursework:
    During the first year of CREATE support, students must attend a Computational Workshop in Neuroscience Methods, which includes a Programming Bootcamp (~60 hours) and a Data Science Foundations workshop (~60 hours).
  2. Elective Course Requirement:
    In the first year of CREATE support, students must take one elective course such as Advanced Data Analytics for Life Sciences (offered in the Summer Semester) or a similar course in Bioinformatics, Business Analytics, or another relevant field.
  3. Graduate Seminar Participation:
    Students are required to attend a weekly graduate seminar for at least two semesters, which will include components on professional skills development and ethics.
  4. Annual Presentations:
    Each year, students must deliver at least one presentation to either a scientific audience or the general public.
  5. Business Plan Proposal:
    Students are required to submit a business plan proposal as part of the annual competition organized by the Neuroscience Department.
  6. International Conference Participation:
    Students must participate in at least one international conference or competition related to data science. Financial assistance for travel and registration costs may be available through the TrainBioData program.
  7. Internship Requirement:
    Students are required to complete two internships with academic or industrial partners. These internships can consist of one of the following options: (1) A 4-8 week internship with an industrial partner, (2) A 40-hour project with an external advisor, (3) A 1-4 week residency in the research lab of an academic collaborator outside of the host institution.
    One internship must be completed by the end of the first year of CREATE support, with a plan for the second internship submitted to qualify for extended funding. Financial assistance for internship costs may also be available through TrainBioData.
  8. Grant and Award Applications:
    Students are expected to apply for internal and external awards or grants, including those from provincial or national funding agencies. Students who secure other funding must inform TrainBioData immediately, as this information is required for NSERC reporting to maintain CREATE program funding.
  9. Tracking and Reporting:
    Students must maintain records of their participation in all core and elective program elements, as well as records of awards applied for and received, publications, conferences, presentations, and other relevant academic activities. A report on these activities must be submitted to the TrainBioData CREATE program every six months.
  10. Program Coordinator Meetings:
    All students must meet with the Program Coordinator at least once per semester to ensure they are on track with program requirements and to receive additional support if needed.

Funding and Stipend Information:
Students accepted into the TrainBioData CREATE program will receive the following studentships:

  • MSc: $14,000/year (maximum of 2 years)
  • PhD: $16,000/year (maximum of 4 years)
  • Postdoctoral Fellow (PDF): $40,000/year (maximum of 2 years)

These amounts may be supplemented by contributions from supervisors or the School of Graduate Studies (SGS). The CREATE stipend may be suspended or discontinued if the Program Committee deems that a trainee is not meeting the program requirements or if project progress is unsatisfactory.

Note for Postdoctoral Fellows (PDFs):
All requirements apply to PDFs, except that the elective course (Requirement #2) is optional, and PDFs are only required to complete one internship (Requirement #7).

Ethics approvals: Students working with human or animal data may require ethics approval (including if they are working with industry partners or doing secondary data analysis) and that in these situations, approval will be obtained prior to beginning the work. For more information about protocols approval please contact Research Ethics Officer: Danika Dorchak, 403-382-7198 |

Disclaimer: This document may be updated later.