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Michael Baumtrog
Michael Baumtrog is a philosopher working in the Ted Rogers School of Management at Toronto Metropolitan University. He is the chair of the Argumentation Network of the Americas (ANA) and the leading organizer of the ANA conference. He completed his PhD at NOVA University in Lisbon, Portugal and his Bachelors and Masters degrees at the University of Windsor. His current research focuses are on the concept and manifestation of agreement, and the moral and epistemological status of children. Learn more about him here.
José Alhambra
José Alhambra is a research fellow at Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain). He has developed his work in the field of argumentation studies and informal logic. His doctoral dissertation, entitled “The Place of Analogy in Argumentation Theory,” focuses on the justificatory use of analogies and their role in argument evaluation. He is currently preparing a postdoctoral research project on argumentative particularism,
the claim that the logical evaluation of arguments is a context-dependent endeavour that cannot be based solely on general rules. Some of his work can be found here.
Christopher Tindale
Christopher Tindale is a Distinguished University Professor of Philosophy at the University of Windsor, where he leads the Center for Research on Reasoning, Argumentation and Rhetoric (CRRAR). He is the co-editor of the journal Informal Logic. His research interests are argumentation theory, rhetoric and ancient philosophy. He has published extensively in all three areas and is a main proponent of the Rhetorical Theory of Argumentation. More can be found out here.