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Dr. Katharina Stevens (Co-Director of the CTCE)
email: katharina.stevens@uleth.ca
Kat Stevens is an Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Lethbridge. She specializes in Argumentation Theory, specifically the ethics of argumentation and arguing with precedents. She is the co-editor of the journal Informal Logic, and a co-organizer of the Online Speaker Series on the Ethics of Argumentation. Her monograph on “The Ethics of Argumentation” is currently under review. Right now, she is working on a keynote address she will give at the Argumentation Network of the Americas (ANA) conference in the spring, and on a supplemental textbook on the ethics of argumentation for critical thinking courses called “How to Argue without being a Jerk”.
You can find a list of her publications here and here.
If you want to do a project having to do with the ethics of argumentation or argumentation theory and critical thinking education in general, take a look at our “opportunities” tab and contact her.
Dr. Susan Dieleman (Co-Director of the CTCE)
email: susan.dieleman@uleth.ca
Susan Dieleman is an Associate Professor of Philosophy and Jarislowsky Chair in Trust & Political Leadership at the University of Lethbridge. She specializes in political philosophy, pragmatism, and feminist philosophy, focusing on questions about how to make democracy more inclusive and just. She is a co-editor of and contributor to The Ethics of Richard Rorty: Moral Communities, Self-Transformation, and Imagination as well as Pragmatism and Justice. Currently, she is working on a monograph that develops a nonideal theory of deliberative democracy informed by pragmatist and feminist theory, as well as a series of projects on the nature of trust and the relationship between distrust and resistance movements.
You can find a list of her publications on her PhilPeople profile here, her ORCiD profile here, or her Google Scholar profile here. You can learn more about the Network of Jarislowsky Chairs in Trust & Political Leadership here.
If you want to do a project having to do with dis/trust and/or deliberation, take a look at our “opportunities” tab and contact her.
Dr. Trudy Govier
Trudy Govier is a Canadian philosopher best known for her work in the areas of informal logic and social philosophy. She has taught at Trent University, the University of Calgary, and the University of Lethbridge. Her many books and papers include the widely used text A Practical Study of Argument (seven editions); Problems in Argument Analysis and Evaluation; The Philosophy of Argument; Forgiveness and Revenge; and Dilemmas of Trust.
Trudy has a strong interest in issues of peace and conflict and was a co-founder in 1982 of the Calgary Ploughshares group, initially a branch of the national group, Project Ploughshares. She has also worked with Healthy Calgary, the Calgary United Way, the Calgary Birth Control Association and the Calgary Association for Lifetime Learners.
Trudy retired in 2012 but remains active, initiating projects and responding to request, especially in the area of informal logic.