Current Student Fellows

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Graduate Student Fellows

Nathan Fuehrer

Nathan Fuehrer is pursuing an Individualized Multidisciplinary MA in Argumentation Theory under the supervision of Dr. Katharina Stevens.  He has an MDiv (2009), a BEd (2020), and a BS in Political Science and Speech Communication with a philosophy minor (2003).  His thesis is on Virtue Argumentation Theory (VAT). In it, he plans to argue that a coherent VAT cannot simply offer rules for virtuous arguers as some in the field have done. Instead, it must identify a clear purpose that guides virtuous argumentation. The purpose for which the virtuous arguer argues is to reconcile with their intended audience in a shared justification for belief in how things are and a shared vision of how things ought to be. He calls this purpose “epistemic reconciliation” and intends to demonstrate that it can solve many of the puzzles in the relatively new field of VAT.

Nathan Fuehrer is also currently coaching the University of Lethbridge’s Ethics Bowl Teams. If you want to be a part of that, contact him: