Ethics Bowl

High School Ethics Bowl

Canada’s longest running Ethics Bowl, a one-of-a-kind opportunity for high school students to hone and wield their critical thinking skills with the most pressing contemporary issues.

Thanks to the hard work of organizers and coaches, and to generous support from the Jarislowsky Chair in Trust and Political Leadership, teams of 3-7 students from high schools in the Lethbridge area will compete in the first Southern Alberta Ethics Bowl competition in 2025. The winning team from Southern Alberta will head to Winnipeg, Manitoba for the National Championships!

Interested in starting an Ethics Bowl team at your high school? Keen to join us as a judge for the upcoming competition? Email Susan Dieleman at to learn more!

To learn more, visit

College Ethics Bowl

2025 will kick off Canada’s first ever College Ethics Bowl, eligible for post-secondary students across the country. With higher stakes and higher rewards, it is the Ethics Bowl as it has never been done before.

With support from hard-working organizers and coaches, and from the Jarislowsky Chair in Trust and Political Leadership, in 2025, teams of 2-4 students from the University of Lethbridge will compete in Canada’s first Ethics Bowl competition at the post-secondary level! The top 8 teams will head to Toronto in June 2025 for the National Championships, held jointly with Congress.

Are you a University of Lethbridge student interested in joining the team? Email Nathan Fuehrer ( for more information!

To learn more, visit