Please send an email to either Kat Stevens or Susan Dieleman to discuss how your organization might collaborate with ours!

As Jarislowsky Chair in Trust & Political Leadership, Susan Dieleman collaborates on research and teaching with the other Chairs, located at Vancouver Island University, Trent University, the University of Quebec in Trois-Rivières & École Nationale d’Administration Publique, and Acadia University. Together, they make up the Network of Jarislowsky Chairs in Trust & Political Leadership. Learn more about the Network here.

The Argumentation Network of the Americas aims to unite, sustain and grow the community of argumentation scholars across the Americas. It is an affiliate organization that also currently hosts the Ethics of Argumentation Interdisciplinary Online Speaker series, which is co-organized by Katharina Stevens. ANA regularly hosts virtual workshops on topics of argumentation, some of which are organized by CTCE-Lab members. To learn more about ANA, to see the Ethics of Argumentation speaker series line-up, or to sign up to become part of the ANA community, see:

Informal Logic is one of the internationally leading journals for Argumentation Theory, Informal Logic and Critical Thinking. Katharina Stevens serves as its co-editor in chief. To see the cutting edge of argumentation- and critical-thinking related research or to submit your own work, go to: