Student Fellows

What is a student fellow?

Student fellows are undergraduate or graduate students who are enrolled at the University of Lethbridge and who are carrying out a project of some type that falls under the subject matter of the lab. Student fellows participate in lab activities.

What are the expectations for a student fellow?

Student fellows are expected to carry out a project that falls under the subject matter of the lab. For graduate students, this is typically a research project (though exceptions are not impossible). For undergraduate students, this may be a research project, but it could also be a community project (such as participating in the Ethics Bowl) or another kind of project (such as making a podcast or a blog). The project can, but does not have to be, specifically conceived for the lab. It could also be something a student does for another course, or as part of their program of studies. Student fellows are also expected to participate in the lab’s reading groups, and to present their project-plans at the annual work-in-progress workshop in October. Typically, some of the graduate students will organize this workshop under the supervision of a research fellow.

How do I become a student fellow?

Use your email address to email one of the research fellows ( and tell us about your interest. We will be happy to support you and to chat with you about potential projects you could do. You can also check out our projects page to see if there is something there that inspires you (

For current and past student fellows, please see here: