Visiting Fellows

What is a visiting fellow?

Visiting fellows are researchers who are visiting the CTCE Lab at the University of Lethbridge for a period of time anywhere between a month and a year (re-application possible). During their time here, they are carrying out a research project that falls under the subject-matter of the lab and participate in lab-activities. If they wish, and if there is enough time, they may also initiate and plan lab-activities.

What are expectations of a visiting fellow?

For the duration of their visit, visiting fellows are expected to carry out a research project that falls under the subject-matter of the lab, participate in lab activities and present their research at least once to the CTCE Lab. In addition, visiting fellows typically have to find their own funding – the lab usually cannot provide funds for travel/housing etc.

How do I become a visiting fellow?

If you are interested in visiting the CTCE Lab at the University of Lethbridge, please email one of the research fellows ( State your interest, outline your anticipated stay and attach your CV and a (at most) one-page document describing the project you will carry out during your visit.

For current and past visiting fellows, please see here :