Sorted alphabetically by last name

Emanuel Akel
Emanuel Akel is a fourth-year Digital Audio Arts major. His passion for producing music can be found in his research on hip hop music and creativity. In his free time, Emanuel likes to workout and produce beats to further improve his skills as a producer and audio engineer.

Luke Allen
While completing his fourth year of the Digital Audio Arts program, Luke has informed his passion for electronic music, especially taking a keen interest in Drum & Bass and the impact of this style of electronic music on the industry. As part of his growing ambition to include electronic music in his life and career, Luke regularly attends summer music festivals to embrace and explore the culture of Electronic Dance Music (EDM). This semester, Luke’s research courses have allowed him to apply his interest in EDM and DJing, and has given him the opportunity to understand DJing and how it fits into his own life.

Olivia Bedard-Moller
Olivia is like any other university student, broke and full of aspirations. Olivia is a fourth-year student who survived the pandemic semesters with her love for music and creative spirit. She hopes, in the years to come, to compose for film and help uplift young female voices in a predominantly male industry.

Adam Collins
Adam Collins is a fourth year Digital Audio Arts student at the University of Lethbridge. Adam enjoys creating music and collaborating in audio engineering projects with colleagues, friends, artists, and producers. If you want to get Adam talking, discuss movies and music and you will never hear him stop.

Patrick Davis
Patrick Davis is a fifth-year student at the University of Lethbridge pursuing a music degree in Digital Audio Arts. In this degree programme, he has pursued his interests in audio engineering, music/sound design for video games, as well as making ambient music. Patrick enjoys going for walks in nature, singing in choirs, and being extremely competitive playing board games with family and friends.

Elias MacDonald
Elias MacDonald is a fifth-year University of Lethbridge student, who is completing his fourth and final year in the Digital Audio Arts Bachelor of Music program. Elias enjoys storytelling, the sound of Stradivari violins, and most of all, time with his newborn son Jeremiah who turns one month on the day of this symposium! If you get him talking, Elias could stay up all night in conversation about the Middle East, Islam, and the Eschatological Prophecies of the three Abrahamic Faiths.

Joel Osmond
My name is Joel Osmond, and I am currently in my fourth year of study in the Digital Audio Arts program at the University of Lethbridge. I am personally interested in composition as well as exploring the qualities of sound and noise. My studies have enabled me to pursue these topics of interest in a variety of ways and has proven to be extremely valuable in developing my knowledge and skills.
Tuomas Pettersson
Tuomas Pettersson is a fourth-year Digital Audio Arts student at the University of Lethbridge and is originally from Finland. Driven by a deep passion for melodic bass music production, he channels his creativity into exploring the nuances of this genre. Inspired by renowned artists like Illenium, his research delves into the intricate production techniques that define melodic bass music. In his free time, Tuomas spends his time playing electric guitar, honing his skills as a producer and audio engineer. When not immersed in music production, he enjoys staying active through workouts and playing frisbee golf.

Aiden Telfer
Aiden Telfer is a musical artist, music producer, and audio synthesis enthusiast. When he is not occupied with his studies, he will usually go on tangents about mundane facts in Valve games or pester his brother about a specific section of an electronic music song. His love and taste for electronic music is related to his upbringing in internet culture. Electronic music was the singular point in which he chose to create his own music. Aiden wishes to find his place in the world as a creative and as a human being.

Alex Wang
Alex is a 4th-year university student at the University of Lethbridge and is originally from Toronto. Alex first picked up music from his late grandmother and couldn’t put it down. He first learned about music production six years ago on a website called Online Sequencer, which inspired his passion for composition and browser-based audio technology. Alex also has a passion for video game music. He has made music for nine different game-jam games and hopes to pursue this as his career.