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How to listen to your life

In Jeff Goins’ new book,  The Art of Work:  A Proven Path to Discovering What You Were Meant To Do, he talks about developing a habit of awareness and truly listening, in order to discover what your are meant to do.

Big Magic: Creativity & Failure

A book recommendation:
Last fall, Elizabeth Gilbert released her latest book “Big Magic”.  In this book, the best selling author of “Eat, Pray, Love”, shares her insights into building a fulfilling career in creative field.



What's your biggest regret?

A chalkboard stood in the middle of New York City asking passersby to write down their biggest regrets. As the board filled up, we noticed that all of these responses had one alarming thing in common.

Design your own apprenticeship

In Jeff Goins’ new book,  The Art of Work:  A Proven Path to Discovering What You Were Meant To Do, he talks about creating intentional opportunities to learn and grow from others.


Why some of us don't have one true calling

Do you feel stifled by the thought of identifying one specific career direction?  Does the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” make you want to throw up?  If so, you are not alone. Check out this TED Talk by Emilie Wapnick.

RoadTrip Nation

Roadtrip nation has long been one of my favourite career information websites.  It was started by some university graduates who took to the road in an old, green RV to solicit career advice from people across the US who had build happy and successful lives for themselves.  Over time, Roadtrip nation interviewed folks like John Legend, Howard Schultz, RL Stine, Questlove, Ira Glass and many many more.



Volunteering as a job seeker

Having trouble with your job search? Volunteering might be your answer. Check out this great blog, Why Volunteering is a Smart Career Strategy, explaining how to use volunteering to land your next paid position.

What makes a good life?

It’s not fame or fortune, but rather our relationships that keep us happy and healthy throughout our lives.  Building community and meaningful connections are essential to our wellbeing.  In his TED talk, Robert Waldinger shares wisdom gathered from his 75 year old study on human development.