Compose your portraits with a short depth of field to allow backgrounds to blur out, focusing on the individual. The main subject of your photo should dressed appropriately for the context of their position, subject matter of study or story they are representing and/or telling. Overall composition remains consistent with the above description, simple and uncluttered and cropped where needed for interest and to convey emotion. Where possible include secondary photos to compliment the portrait. Eg. Profile photo of a researcher in their science lab. Secondary photos could include close up shots of things in the lab like beakers, lab notes etc.

Please ensure there are both vertical and horizontal options. It’s also important to get a variety of facial expressions, including smiling and more serious (depending on subject matter).

The photo will need to tie to the story. This requires planning with the photographer.

Details are important. For examples: ensuring shirt collars are down, catching stray pieces of hair, ensuring lab coats are clean and pressed.