Congratulations to the participants of the 2023 Bounce & Cadence Symposium for Music and Audio Research at ULethbridge. Your enthusiasm was appreciated very much and we were grateful to have had the opportunity to learn from your research, research and creation, and performances. Thank you!
Learn more about this year’s participants and their research:
Winners of the Bounce & Cadence
Symposium for Music and Audio Research
1st place
“Tuning into the Audible” by Christina Milinusic
2nd prize
“Two songs | Myosotis (Fauré) and Frühlingswonne (Goltermann)”
by The FAB Trio | Brenna Le May, Anna Jeong, Franz Faeldo
“Noise is Normal” by Demi Zalesak & Chris Bernhardt
3rd prize
“DIY Ribbon Microphone: I can build that!” By Ben Wellman
Awards supported by Dr. Rolf Boon, 2022-2023 Music Department Chair
We congratulate the winners! Your contributions were outstanding and we commend you for your hard work and dedication.
We would like to thank Megumi Masaki and Keith Hamel for sharing their valuable insights. A big thank you to our chairs and moderators: Georg Boenn, Mary Mazurek, Deanna Oye, Marcela Rada, and Paul Sanden.
We look forward to seeing you at next year’s Bounce & Cadence!
D. Andrew Stewart, Coordinator
Tareq Abu-Rahma, Assistant Coordinator