Tony joined the University of Lethbridge in January of 2009 as an instructor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. He is the manager of the magnetic resonance (MR) facility for the faculty of arts and science and is responsible for all operational and financial aspects of this facility. Currently, the MR facility includes three nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometers, an electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectrometer, a 4.7T pre-clinical small animal MRI system, and a clinical 3T human MRI system. During his tenure the facility has rapidly expanded and received over $2.4 million dollars of external funding from both the Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI) and NSERC Research Tools and Instruments (RTI) grant programs.
Tony regularly teaches the NMR portion of the second year organic chemistry labs (Chemistry 2600) and the advanced physical chemistry lab (chemistry 3730). His current research interests involve using NMR as a tool to study the metabolomics of disease with the ultimate goal of finding biomarkers that can be used as tools for disease prediction, diagnosis, and treatment efficacy purposes. He is actively involved in the supervision of multiple independent study, honours thesis, and graduate students each semester. During his personal time he is involved in his community where he acts as a volunteer high school sports coach and serves on the board of directors for the Coalhurst chapter of the Coulee Kickers Soccer Association.