New Study Published Discussing Effects of Ancestral Stress on Future Generations

Our latest research study, “Ancestral exposure to stress epigenetically programs preterm birth risk and adverse maternal and newborn outcomes,” shows that stress in pregnant rats can shorten the length of pregnancy in subsequent generations. The findings could provide clues to the causes of preterm birth in humans. Speaking to The Scientist, Dr. Gerlinde Metz discussed the relevance of this study to public health.

“The multigenerational stress lineage resembles generations living in a continuously stressful environment, compared to the short-term stress affecting only one generation. I think this has interesting implications for human populations, such as stress programming by migration, disasters, and poverty.”

For further information from news sources, or to read the article in BMC Medicine, follow the links below.

Zac Erickson Receives Shire ADHD Scholarship

Congratulations to Zac Erickson, who received the Shire ADHD Scholarship for the 2013-2014 academic year. The scholarship, which is designed to help individuals with adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) succeed in post-secondary education, includes $1500 and a year of ADHD coaching. Zac was one of four recipients chosen from over 300 nation-wide applicants to receive the award.

Source: Lethbridge Herald, Shire Canada

Lethbridge High School iGEM team takes the Green Brick at iGEM High School Jamboree


Congratulations to the the Lethbridge High School iGEM team, who were recently awarded the Green Brick grand prize at the iGEM High School Jamboree at the Massachusetts Intitute of Techbology (MIT) in Boston, MA. The team was also awarded “Best Wiki” and “Best Biobrick.” The award comes with international recognition in the community, and is the biggest prize the team could compete for. The Lethbridge High School iGem team is lead by Metz Lab member Isaac Ward.

[Link to news story]