What is H5P and How Can it Assist in Online Teaching?

What exactly is H5P and how can it help assist with teaching online?

What exactly is H5P and how can it help assist with teaching online?

H5P is open source software integrated with the UofL Moodle Learning Management System which allows the easy and rapid creation of mobile-friendly interactive elements which can form an integral part of your course content.

You can use H5P Learning Objects to create, share, and reuse interactive content to engage students and stimulate their learning within your Moodle courses. Being an Open Educational Technology Tool, H5P encourages (but does not mandate) the creation of Open Educational Resources that are licensed granting other users permission for reuse or modification. 

In addition to the aspects mentioned above, H5P is:

  • HTML 5
  • Downloadable, sharable, modifiable
  • Developed by a lively community of academic and technology users
  • Easy and intuitive to create and modify
  • A Moodle plugin, so you can track and grade engagement with content
  • Securely stores student data on our UofL servers
  • Versatile, as many different interactive content types can be created (see the complete list here)


You may watch this brief video introduction to learn how H5P can assist you in your online teaching.


Note that all H5P content you create must abide by copyright law.

To learn more about Open Licensing and OER, contact the UofL Copyright Office or visit the following UofL LibGuides:

What is Copyright?

Open Educational Resources


Moodle Integration

There are two ways to integrate H5P learning activities into Moodle.

OPTION 1: CREATION – You may create your own H5P content from scratch by using the H5P content editor in Moodle.

OPTION 2: MODIFICATION – You may build on H5P content that has already been created. If you find existing H5P content that you would like to adapt to your specific course, you can upload this to Moodle. Many university educators across the globe have started creating content with H5P, and many of these resources are now available on university websites, personal blogs, or other online spaces. It is noteworthy that many of these shared resources grant you permission to make modifications to the content to better fit your specific teaching needs. 



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