Using Crowdmark

Crowdmark is an online tool that allows students to submit pictures of handwritten/hand-drawn work. Below are links that contain articles and videos that can help you understand the process of setting up a Crowdmark Assessment. 


Crowdmark assessments do not rollover when you copy courses from semester to semester. The assessments need to be recreated each semester.


If you created assessments in the current semester on Moodle but did so early, you may have students who receive enrolment errors when accessing Crowdmark Assessments. To solve this you need to sync your roster in Crowdmark with the roster in Moodle.

It is good practice to re-sync your roster in Crowdmark with your Moodle roster to ensure the most current roster is being use


How does Crowdmark work with Moodle?

Advice for Students


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