Scheduling an Exam in the Testing Centre

To schedule an exam in the Testing Centre you will need have the following information:

  • The requested dates for running your exam. Please note for larger class sizes you will have to run your exam for a minimum of 3 days. The scheduling works on a first come, first serve basis, so please get your exam dates to us as early as possible to get the dates you want. 
  • The number of students in your class.
  • Your course name, number, and section

Once you have this information please contact us using this form:
Book an Exam

If your students are new to the Testing Centre, the following tutorial will walk them through the examination process in the Testing Centre:

Testing Centre information for your students

If you as an instructor are new to the Testing Centre here is information that you will need to know about the Testing Centre: 

Testing Centre information for instructors

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