If you are new to taking exams in the Testing Centre, this article will walk you through the steps so that you know what to expect before your exam.
Location: E630. University Hall.
What do Students Need to Know?
- Cellphones and smartwatches are not allowed in the Testing Centre.
- It is recommended that you do not wait to write your exam until the last scheduled day an exam is available. It is your responsibility to complete the exam in a timely fashion. If there are 120 students in a course and everyone waits until the last morning to write the exam, there may not be enough time or room for everyone to complete the exam before the deadline.
- Students should test their login to Moodle early in the semester and several days before their first Testing Centre exam. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure they can access the Moodle course so that if there are any problems with the login they can be fixed prior to all exams. To resolve any login issues you may visit the IT Help Desk or email help@uleth.ca
Procedure for taking an exam in the Testing Centre is as follows:
1. Make sure to bring a photo ID with you to an exam (student ID card, driver’s license, passport). Students will not be permitted to write exams in the Testing Centre without proper photo identification. This is to confirm your identity. To gain access to an exam your name must be on the official class list of your course.
2. Upon entering the Testing Centre go to the sign-in desk and fill out a sign-in sheet.
3. Take your signed form to the Proctor Station. You will need to show both the completed form and your Student ID, which the proctor will scan to sign you in.
4. You will be required to leave your possessions in the token lockers in the hall. You will only be allowed to take in a pencil or a pen and the sign-in sheet into the lab area. This sheet will be your scrap paper, if you need it. In certain cases, instructors may allow you to take other items into the exam. Your instructor will inform you of this ahead of time.
5. The proctor will give the sign-in sheet, and your ID card back to you and then will direct you to the entrance of the Testing Centre lab.
6. Please wait at the door for the invigilator who will assign you to a computer and have you log into your Moodle course. From here, the invigilator will make sure a secure password has been granted for you to access your exam.
7. Once you have completed your exam, make sure to hit submit, and log out of Moodle.
8. You must hand the sign-in sheet and any other paper materials back to the invigilator before leaving the Testing Centre. The proctor will then close your session by scanning your UofL student ID card.
- Some exams may have a time limit in which you are required to complete the exam. As soon as you begin the exam a timer will start. Make sure you submit your exam before the time expires. It’s a good idea to start your exam with plenty of time to complete before the Testing Centre closes for the day. Exams that are incomplete when the Centre closes will be submitted automatically. Plan ahead and give yourself lots of time to finish!
- The act of cheating is a very serious academic offence and is treated by the invigilators as such. Invigilators will watch for any signs of communication between students, or any other form of cheating. These offences will be documented and the instructor of the course will be notified immediately. Fellow students may also inform the invigilators of any cheating or suspicious behaviour in the Testing Centre. University of Lethbridge policies regarding academic offences are described in Part 4 of the University Calendar.