Emailing your Class in Moodle

Moodle currently does not have an internal email function associated with your course. 

To send an email to your entire class, you will have to use your University of Lethbridge email account.

The mailing list associated with your course is as follows:

The year and semester, your course name, number, and section, followed by

An example for ANTH 1000 A for Fall 2024 will look like this: 


The year – 2024

The semester – 01 is Spring, 02 is Summer, and 03 is Fall

The course name, number, and section – anth1000a

By using your class mailing list you will address your entire class and all students will receive the email message. 

If you prefer not to email your class via your UofL email account you can alternatively use the forum tool in Moodle. With this option all students will be able to read and reply to all messages within the class. They will see each others postings as well. 

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