If you have a Teaching Assistant, you can give them access to your Moodle course to assist in grading or content management.
If you have a Teaching Assistant, you can give them access to your Moodle course to assist in grading or content management.
Moodle has the ability to designate groups within your course. You can have Moodle randomly allocate groups or you can create groups manually. We will show you how to create both in this tutorial.
Instructors may want to request Moodle access for users who are off-campus and do not have a UofL account.
Moodle currently does not have an internal email function associated with your course.
To send an email to your entire class, you will have to use your University of Lethbridge email account.
As an instructor, you may want to switch your role to student view to see your course from a student perspective.