Object studies and more at the SAAG Gathering+ on October 17, 2019


This inaugural Gathering+ event will be presented in partnership with the Southern Alberta Art Gallery’s (SAAG) Bletcher Hour Reading Group on Thursday, October 17 from 6:00 – 7:00pm.

ASTeRIX members Mia van Leeuwen (Fine Arts – Drama) and D. Andrew Stewart (Fine Arts – Music) will be providing context about their art practices and objects studies in relation to the extracts from the following readings.

In Praise of Shadow (Tanizaki, 1933)
The Tears of Things (Schwenger, 2006)
Free Play, Sex and Violins (Nachmanovitch, 1990)
Death and Performing Objects (John Bell)
Guide to Sound Objects, Reduced Listening (Chion, 2009)
View with a Grain of Sand (Szymborska, 1995)

If you can attend, the SAAG is able to provide the reading extracts for you. Traditionally, they provide a limited number of printed and custom-bound copies. If you’d like a copy, or would prefer to receive an electronic version, please let us know at asterix@uleth.ca

Of course, reading everything upfront is not a necessity … we would enjoy seeing you at this ASTeRIX gathering very much. Light refreshments provided.

Gathering+ Presented by ASTeRIX in partnership with SAAG
Thursday, October 17
601 3rd Ave South

The SAAG’s critical reading group, The Bletcher Hour, is named after the gallery’s first librarian, Mary Hazel Bletcher. Regular readings relate to current exhibitions and dig a little deeper, exploring key themes in the exhibited works.

Please write to asterix@uleth.ca, if you want to be removed from the ASTERIX e-mail list.