You may have created an exam in one course section and would like to copy and move that exam over to another section. These are the steps you will need to follow.
(more…)You may have created an exam in one course section and would like to copy and move that exam over to another section. These are the steps you will need to follow.
(more…)If you are an instructor and want to use the Testing Centre to have your students write an exam, here is some information that you should know about how the Testing Centre operates as well as the information you will need to provide to us in the Teaching Centre so we can book your exam properly.
You may wish to add instructions or a description to a set of questions on a Moodle quiz.
Moodle is capable of providing detailed statistics of your Moodle exam. If you are interested in getting an overview of your exam results you can access the statistics for the exam quite easily.
Rather than creating individual questions in Moodle you can have multiple questions constructed in a text document that you can then import into Moodle. The Aiken Format provides you with an easy way to import multiple choice questions into Moodle.
If you are giving an exam on Moodle that is open to take from anywhere, and students are unable to access the exam, you may want to first troubleshoot these two steps.
When adding questions to a quiz in Moodle you can choose to keep those questions in order, randomly select from categories, or create new questions as you go along. In this tutorial, we will show you how to randomize questions in your Moodle quiz.
This tutorial will show you how to release your exam marks to students. (this can also include any feedback given to students on the exam)
Rather than creating individual questions in Moodle you can import a document with multiple questions at a time. To import short answer and/or essay questions into Moodle you must follow some simple formatting and save the file as a GIFT file format for importing into Moodle.
Once you have your Moodle exam created you may want to change the default point value for each question. Moodle defaults each question to be worth one point.
Once you have your quiz set up in Moodle, it is highly recommended to preview your quiz to make sure everything looks and works as you wish before the exam opens to students.
To schedule an exam in the Testing Centre you will need have the following information:
If you have an exam outside of the Testing Centre, and would like to allow students to copy/paste content into a Moodle quiz, you will have to adjust the security settings.
When delivering a Moodle Quiz as an open book exam, you as the instructor will be able to set up overrides for students.
Please check over ALL Moodle exam questions BEFORE the opening date of the exam. Once students attempt the exam, errors in the questions are not easily fixed.
When you use the Moodle Quiz Tool, a lot of the question types are automatically graded for you. (Multiple Choice, True & False, Matching, etc)