We have 40+ cross-disciplinary members, including members beyond the Faculty of Fine and Arts and members representing independent organisations.
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New Graduate Student Assistant
Tyler Stewart (Cultural, Social and Political Thought, 1st-year MA) has joined ASTeRIX. We’re very pleased, and fortunate, to have Tyler’s support and talent during these formative years. Welcome Tyler!
The results of the ASTeRIX community questionnaire are now available. We appreciate the time that you took to complete the questionnaire; your feedback is essential. Please write to us directly, if you have any concerns about the interpretation and the editing of your questionnaire feedback.
Activities Fall 2019
Reforming of the steering committee
An outcome of the May ASTeRIX AGM was a strong expression to maintain a formal Steering Committee. A big thank you to those of you who responded to the steering committee section of the questionnaire.
Big Bang
Several scholar-artists from the ASTeRIX community are involved in the “Big Bang” public opening and research showcase of the Science and Academic Building (Arlan, Leanne, Dana, Monique, D. Andrew). If you are participating, please let us know.
Gatherings – We’d love to see you : )
The flexible committee and meeting structure proposed in February has been re-named: “Gatherings”. Please come to ASTeRIX Gathering No. 1, which is schedule for Thursday, 17 October, 6 to 7pm, at the SAAG. ASTeRIX members (Mia and D. Andrew) will be participating in the Bletcher Hour Reading Group, and supplying the extracts for this informal gathering of community members.
In Praise of Shadow (Tanizaki, 1933)
The Tears of Things (Schwenger, 2006)
Free Play, Sex and Violins (Nachmanovitch, 1990)
Death and Performing Objects (John Bell)
Guide to Sound Objects, Reduced Listening (Chion, 2009)
View with a Grain of Sand (Szymborska, 1995)
Shortly, we will be in contact with those questionnaire participants who offered suggestions for Gathering topics. We would like to align the topics with the tentative dates proposed in the questionnaire (below). However, we also want to find dates that work for everyone, if possible.
Thursday, Nov. 28
Thursday, Jan. 23
Thursday, Mar. 5
Tuesday, 14 April (ASTERIX AGM)
Crossing Boundaries
Members from the ASTeRIX community will present in this year’s Crossing Boundaries: Languages | Landscapes | Algorithms (Leanne, Denton, Jackson, Aaron, Amandine, Tyler, Dana, Mia, D. Andrew, Arlan, Daniela, Bryn). Presently, there is a call for proposals to all students. Please, if you have a student, who you think will benefit from this experience, please ask him or her to consider submitting a work.
Website development is ongoing. If you were unable to complete the questionnaire, and you would like to be identified on the ASTeRIX website, please send us an e-mail and include as many of these details as you feel comfortable sharing. Importantly, please respond to the request for keywords.
Professional title –
Name –
Institutional affiliation –
Faculty –
Department –
Work phone –
Mobile phone –
Work e-mail –
Website –
Two to five keywords and/or topics that represent your areas of research, teaching, and/or artistic practice –
Thank you for your interest and your contributions,
Dr. D. Andrew Stewart, Director
Art, Sound, & Technology Research IntersecXions (ASTeRIX)
Please write to asterix@uleth.ca, if you want to be removed from the ASTERIX e-mail list.