Tuesday, January 12 7:30 – 9:00 p.m. online through Zoom
What does collaboration really mean? When artists seek to collaborate without shared understanding about what this means, conflicts may arise. However, collaboration often leads to stronger artistic projects and new ways of learning that may not happen while working alone.
Featuring guest speakers Thea Patterson (uAlberta Ph.D. student) and Migueltzinta Solís (uLethbridge Ph.D. student), and hosted by ASTeRIX graduate assistant Tyler Stewart, this Intersections panel-style discussion seeks to clarify what artistic collaboration really entails, with participants learning how to work creatively in a collaborative environment that emphasizes communication, visualization, and presentation of information. While this event primarily focuses on supporting student and emerging artist/scholars seeking to engage in new collaborative projects, all are welcome.
Main discussion topics include the following points; however, open discussion event structure allows and encourages all participants to contribute to the conversation and engage with their peers.
- What does collaboration really mean?
- The hows and whys of collaboration
- When is it not collaboration?
- Common collaboration challenges
Collaboration in the Arts Intersections Session
Tuesday, January 12, 2021 7:30 – 9:00 p.m.
Zoom Link: https://uleth.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0kdO-qrD8oGdbLAAd8XvoliyEqxkrPpQkZ
Passcode: 174219

Thea Patterson is a choreographer, performer, dramaturge, and researcher. Her performance practice and research revolve around an acute set of questions about the nature of objecthood, perception, vitality, time and the body. She is currently pursuing a SSHRC funded PhD in Performance Studies at the University of Alberta and is co-editor-in-chief of Intonations, an online Graduate run journal.
photo credit:
Eleonora Barna

Hali Heavy Shield is a member of the Blood Tribe of southern Alberta and a PhD student studying visual art and Blackfoot storytelling.

Migueltzinta Solís is a mestizXXX interdisciplinary artist currently working on a PhD in Cultural, Social and Political Thought at the University of Lethbridge in traditional Blackfoot territory, where he received his MFA in Art. He is trans.