November 1, 2023

Student Advice for Submitting Work to Crowdmark

If you’re in a course that requires handwritten work (e.g. math or chemistry) your instructor may have chosen to have you use Crowdmark for assignments and tests.

To assist with remote assessment, the University of Lethbridge acquired a license for the Crowdmark online grading platform. If you’re in a course that requires handwritten work (e.g. math or chemistry) your instructor may have chosen to have you use Crowdmark for assignments and tests.


Administered or Assigned Assessments

 There are two types of assessments available in Crowdmark. Administered and Assigned. 

There are two types of assessments available in Crowdmark. Administered and Assigned. You will want to choose an Assigned assessment. The link below describes the difference between the two.

Syncing your Crowdmark and Moodle Rosters

This tutorial will walk you through the steps you need to take to sync the Crowdmark and Moodle Rosters.
