June 12, 2024

Moving Content in Moodle and Changing File Order

It is very easy to move content around in Moodle. You can easily rearrange sections or files within your Moodle course.

If you want to change the order of files within a section, first make sure editing is turned on by clicking Turn Editing On at the top right of your Moodle page.

You should now notice the move arrow beside each of the items. Click and drag the arrow icon into the desired position.


There is no need to save, Moodle will automatically save your changes when moving content around your Moodle page.




Randomizing Quiz Questions in Moodle

When adding questions to a quiz in Moodle you can choose to keep those questions in order, randomly select from categories, or create new questions as you go along. In this tutorial, we will show you how to randomize questions in your Moodle quiz.


How to Release Quiz Grades to Students

This tutorial will show you how to release your exam marks to students. (this can also include any feedback given to students on the exam)


Changing the Letter Grade Scale

Moodle has a default letter grade scale which may or may not reflect the scale of your course letter grades. 

You can very easily change the scale to reflect your course.


Submitting Final Grades

You can submit your final grades directly from Moodle to the Bridge (Registrar’s Office). This is very convenient if you have a large class size.

In order to submit final grades, the instructor of record must be logged into the course.


Importing Essay and Short Answer Questions

Rather than creating individual questions in Moodle you can import a document with multiple questions at a time. To import short answer and/or essay questions into Moodle you must follow some simple formatting and save the file as a GIFT file format for importing into Moodle. 


Creating and Using Groups

Moodle has the ability to designate groups within your course. You can have Moodle randomly allocate groups or you can create groups manually. We will show you how to create both in this tutorial. 


Adding Events using the Calendar Block

Moodle has a very robust calendar system which can be used to organize events for your students in Moodle. Course and user events may be scheduled, such as class events, quizzes, assignments, etc.


Logging into Moodle

There are a few ways to access your Moodle account. Either way you login to Moodle you will use the same username and password as the Bridge and UofL email accounts.
