annotated PDF

How Students View Comments and Feedback Provided with Annotated PDF Feature

1. If the assignment is graded and feedback is released, students can click on the assignment link to see their grades and any feedback given to them.

2. Here is the feedback that is first visible to the students.

3. Scrolling down, you can see that the feedback comments instruct the student to see the annotated PDF file for detailed feedback.

Click “View annotated PDF…” to see the comments placed using the annotation tool feature.

4. Students can also select the page of the document they wish to view, as there may be more feedback on the next pages.

5. If feedback comments, annotated PDFs, or Feedback files were used to provide feedback, they will also be visible to the student.

How to Grade Papers with annotated PDF feature.

1. Click on the assignment you wish to grade in your course.

2. Click “View all submissions”

3. You will have to scroll to the right in the grading area

4. Choose a student submission and click “Grade”

5. Click this button to add a comment. The colour swatch beside it can be changed to a different one to differentiate between comments.

6. Click and drag to make your comment box. Once created, type your comment inside.

7. You can use the other tools to create comments or marks on the PDF.

The document has four pages that you can switch through. Use the arrows to navigate through the pages. Be sure to grade all the pages of the submission.

8. Once done with comments, give a grade to the student.

9. You can also provide some written feedback outside of the submitted document. Students will see the comments in their grading area.

10. Click “Save and show next” to go to the next ungraded submission.

Understanding the Annotation Tools in Annotated PDF feature

1. This button chooses which colour the drawing tools will use.

2. This button allows you to type comments.

3. Choosing the rectangle icon and the green ink colour will produce a green rectangle.

4. Create a circle in the color chosen.