and this is my life.

So, I had a genius plan… I would write blogs ahead of time, and get them up when it was right. Let me tell you how well that worked – not at all. Ed has been insane. I had big plans, you know, do all my lesson planning ahead of time, go to the gym regularly, work, get up to High River for family time. No. Education is my life now, and I assume it will be until the end of practicum. Not that I mind.

Third grade is an experience. It’s crazy, it’s busy and it’s frustrating. But at the same time, it’s beyond rewarding. Every day I spend in the classroom, I become more and more certain that I am making the best only possible decision that will be right for me in the future. I love teaching. Don’t get me wrong, it’s the most frustrating, unnerving experience I’ve ever had. But I absolutely love teaching.

The biggest issue so far has been the crazy roads. Like right now, for example. This morning on my 20 minute commute to my school, the roads were decent. Blowing snow, but not too bad. Now I learn that RCMP are recommending no travel on any highway that connects my school to Lethbridge. They are all in critical condition with a tow ban. Awesome news right? It’s not that I mind the cold, or the snow or even the wind. It’s that I mind all three at once. But this is Lethbridge, and you’d think that after 3 and a half years here, I’d be used to it. Ah well.

Drive safe, my dears, and remember that even though the cold is a great excuse to not attend class, this is crunch time. Finish strong, you’ve almost survived Fall 2010. I promise Spring 2011 will be more enjoyable, weather-wise… there’s something calming about have to tolerate exams, but feeling the weather warm up just as that happens.

It’s been a month, and I have so much mroe to say! But I need to be planning and marking and reflecting and self-assessing and all those other things us future teachers work on. So keep warm!

– Bri

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1 Response to and this is my life.

  1. vanessa.boila says:

    Have fun in PSI! PSIII is even busier if you can believe, but if you love what you’re doing then it’s a lot of fun and worth all of the time and effort!

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