1. To add members such as graders or facilitators to your Crowdmark Team, Click “Team.”
2. Click “Customize team”
3. You can sync your Moodle course’s teaching assistants and lab coordinators to your grading team in Crowdmark.
Click “course.”
4. Click “Sync with Moodle”
5. Choose what their roles will be in Crowdmark.
6. Once you have assigned roles to your team members, click “Update team.”
7. Sometimes, your graders are not part of your Moodle roster. In that case, you will want to add those users to your team using the steps below.
Tip: Instructors can use a secondary email to add themselves as graders. Taking this action can help with troubleshooting issues for the graders.
8. In the Team window, Click “Add by email“
9. Click the “Type (or paste) your team members’ email addresses in the field on the page. Put one address on each line.
10. Once you have entered the email addresses, Click “Continue.”
11. Click “Add 1 team member.”
12. You will now see your team member added to the roster.
How To Grade Assignments and Provide Feedback with inLine Comments
1. In your course, click on the assignment for which grading is required.
2. You can click “View all submissions ” to choose a specific student to grade.
3. Choose the student whom you wish to grade. Click “Grade”
4. You can see how many words were submitted and can click on the “+” icon to “View full”
5. In the “Feedback comments” area, the text submitted by the student is pulled into the “Feedback comments” field so that you can provide feedback inline.
6. Once you are done providing grades and comments for this submission, click “Save and Show Next” to go to the next student submission.