Tag Archives: lethbridge

Waking Up to the Neverending Clutches of Advertising

I hope I’m not giving Management students a bad name by never blogging, but I swear, it’s only because I want to only blog when I have something brilliant (or hilarious) to share. As a marketing student, I am very … Continue reading

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Wednesday Night Event: Eyes on the Middle East | Lindsey

So in the midst of exam and project madness, I’ve already talked about the importance of keeping the balance between school and a social life, and having a good study area is important, you can check out these unique school … Continue reading

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Recap: Basketball Home Opener | Lindsey

On a long weekend when most students head home for the weekend, what better thing to do to entertain everyone else than the Pronghorns’ Basketball Home Opening Weekend? The game was also the only time Tims was open on campus … Continue reading

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The Importance of Balance | Lindsey

Obviously, as a university student, school and grades matter. You want to make sure that you aren’t wasting your time (and money) here if you’re not going to be doing a good job in your classes. But underneath the constant … Continue reading

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JDC What?? | Lindsey

Firstly, wow am I ever awful at maintaining this blog. Secondly, how on earth is it October already?? I hope you all had a fantastic first month of school, and are starting to settle into the “study, study, study” mentality … Continue reading

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The end of an era

So while today was the start of classes for everyone on campus, it was also a monumental day for me in that it was the first day in 20 months where I was not in the Recruitment and Student Life … Continue reading

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14 days from now, the madness begins

Wow – two weeks today until your university adventure officially starts. In two weeks, you’ll be MOVING to Lethbridge, into your new home (be it residence or off-campus), meeting new friends (and future colleagues), and taking a huge next step. … Continue reading

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Weddings, Moving, and Football

Wow – it is crazy how quickly summer is passing by! Only four weeks until classes start! In the meantime, I’ve been keeping busy with weddings, moving (and movies!), and football. This has been an amazing summer, in that my … Continue reading

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