Category Archives: Miscellaneous

Work at home

U of L faculty and staff can benefit from a new software package made possible by an agreement between the University of Lethbridge and Adobe Systems Inc. The enhanced Adobe Creative Cloud for education agreement provides a full suite of … Continue reading

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The beginning of October often brings a wave of mid-terms for many students. If you have been coasting since September, you might now be feeling like it’s time to buckle-down and focus on your school work. A good time management … Continue reading

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Gerontology in the Era of the Third Age: Implications and Next Steps

Canterbury Tower retirement community in Tampa Florida offers luxurious independent living apartments with terrific views from Bayshore Boulevard. Description: The “third age” is described as the period in the life course that occurs after retirement but prior to the onset … Continue reading

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Don’t Walk Across the Finish Line

It’s that time of year: midterms and final projects are wrapping up, the weather is getting nicer, you start making summer plans, and, oh yeah: final exams and papers are coming up. It’s officially less than a week until the … Continue reading

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Waking Up to the Neverending Clutches of Advertising

I hope I’m not giving Management students a bad name by never blogging, but I swear, it’s only because I want to only blog when I have something brilliant (or hilarious) to share. As a marketing student, I am very … Continue reading

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Wednesday Night Event: Eyes on the Middle East | Lindsey

So in the midst of exam and project madness, I’ve already talked about the importance of keeping the balance between school and a social life, and having a good study area is important, you can check out these unique school … Continue reading

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The Importance of Balance | Lindsey

Obviously, as a university student, school and grades matter. You want to make sure that you aren’t wasting your time (and money) here if you’re not going to be doing a good job in your classes. But underneath the constant … Continue reading

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Fueling your passion (or addiction, as it were)

There are sometimes things that you do throughout your life that may change once you move to go to school. For me, it’s horseback riding. Way back when I lived in Okotoks, I started riding jumping horses, and what started … Continue reading

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Weddings, Moving, and Football

Wow – it is crazy how quickly summer is passing by! Only four weeks until classes start! In the meantime, I’ve been keeping busy with weddings, moving (and movies!), and football. This has been an amazing summer, in that my … Continue reading

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Potatoes are the Devil

I like to think that over the course of three years of university, I’ve learned a fair bit. I think I’ve mastered laundry (proof of this being I no longer shrink my clothes). I pay (most of) my bills on … Continue reading

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