Author Archives: admin

When the Ghosts Come Out

So this wonderful Halloween weekend, I was lucky enough to be co-hosting the world’s most epic party. I’m allowed to say that without tooting my own horn, because I use the term “co-hosting” in the loosest way possible. My amazing … Continue reading

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So I had my Orientation last Thursday, in my grade three class. It was so exciting and so much fun! The staff was friendly and inviting, and at lunch in the staff room, they invited both myself and the other … Continue reading

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Ed Placement and Advising

So it’s official! The day I’ve been waiting for since July has finally arrived! I got my practicum placement yesterday at 11.30am and I’ve been on cloud nine ever since! Yours truly will be teaching grade three in Nobleford. I’ve … Continue reading

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Set the Night on Fire Gala

So this weekend was the 3rd Annual High River Fire Department (HRFD) Gala. My friend is a volunteer firefighter, and has been for the past three years, so I went with him and his family to support the HRFD! Did … Continue reading

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Women's Centre

Here’s another topic that’s very dear to my heart: The Campus Women’s Centre. Now, I’m biased because I’m a Women’s Studies major and have been a volunteer there for the past couple years, but I believe it’s an important resource … Continue reading

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The Jamie

Alright. This blog has been a long time coming. I’m about to drop some important knowledge on you. This could, quite possibly, be the most important thing anyone will ever tell you about university life and Lethbridge in general. Are … Continue reading

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September Starts With a BANG!

Well, my PSI semester is underway. After a first day of speeches and welcomes and other various housekeeping activities associated with being accepted into Canada’s premier Faculty of Education, my group started classes today! The structure of the PSI program … Continue reading

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Back to Class!

It’s the last day of August!! I’m finally finished up with DeWalt, and I figured my summer would slow down and I’d be able to relax and enjoy the last week before classes start… but no. I just got back … Continue reading

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Summer 2010 is Winding Down…

OH MY GOODNESS!! It’s August already! I can’t wait for school to start! Do I sound like a huge keener? It’s because I am, a little bit. I’m so excited for school to start and for Ed Orientation and to … Continue reading

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I'd Rather be a 'Rider Than…

Well, my amazing job is taking me on a five-week tour of our neighbouring prairie provinces – two weeks in Saskatchewan, two weeks in Manitoba and back to Sask for a week. Our week in Regina has come to a … Continue reading

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